Book a Ducati - Client
A tablet optimized SPA. Lets users select their favorite Ducati bike and book an appointment to take it for a test ride! The API was built with Rails and the client with React and Redux.
- React
- Redux
- Rails
Full-stack Web Developer
Team player
"Software being 'Done' is like lawn being 'Mowed'." - Jim Benson
I am a problem solver with attention to detail. There's nothing more exciting than developing beautiful interactive websites. Almost as exciting as racing with my motorcycle. I enjoy building interactive interfaces with Javascript, Ruby on Rails and React. In my frre time I love solving coding chalenges on Codewars, LeetCode and HackerRank.
I am a team player who respects everyone's efforts and works hard to help the team. I believe success comes faster when we work together. I am sure I can do anything and if I do know how I will learn.
Love working as part of a team in a company that builds interesting products that are ahead or their time. I prefer frontend but I also know the backend like the back of my hand. Look through some of my work and experience! Currently I am software engineer at ProptechCore AB.
My bachelor in automotive engineering taught me to think scientifically. My time in the Hellenic Air Force as an officer sharpened my leadership and organization skills. My software development training boosted my knowledge and skills in software engineering.
Here are some projects I developed during my development learning journey.
A tablet optimized SPA. Lets users select their favorite Ducati bike and book an appointment to take it for a test ride! The API was built with Rails and the client with React and Redux.
Old school, turn-based RPG game, with scoring system. Built using JavaScript ES6, Phaser 3 framework, and other modern technologies. See source code for more info. I had to come up with the story, design the gameplay, the scenes, and the scoring system.
2020 MotoGP championship team info. Users can see all the teams or select teams by country. Fully responsive single Page App for MotoGP fans.
Single Page Application for a local restaurant built using ES6 classes and modules. Every page is dynamically rendered using Javascript DOM manipulation. Mobile first design.
Social network application. A minimal implementation of the core features of Facebook. Users can post, comment on posts, send and accept friend requests.
Magic-books Inc. bookstore application. Users can add books and select a category. Created with React it uses Redux for state management. Fast, dynamic, and responsive. It is only the front-end and books are saved only for the current session.
Mapply is a little workout app with a map. This project is based on Jonas Schmedtmann's design of mapty. I used Google's API for the map data and leaflet.js for map manipulation. Code is written in ES6.
Chrome extension made with ❤️ for the Microverse online software school students. It adds a button to the user's list of challenges and projects. The user can show or hide the completed ones. Written in vanilla JavaScript. Available on the Chrome Web Store.
I like to write and share my experience about what I learned and how I solved a problem. Here is a list of my published articles.
If you have an application you are interested in developing, a feature that you need built or a project that need coding, I’d love to help you with it.